Airvida - Wearable Air Purifier
99.7% Coronavirus Removal rate
(National Biotechnology Research Park, Taiwan)

A Coronavirus contains capsid, spikes, RNA
Due to RNA is very weak, if breaking a virus’ capsid, this virus will be easily inactivated
Airvida generates over 2 million negative ions around user’s facial area
Airvida’s negative ions will attach on coming airborne virus’ capsids and spikes, then break their capsids
Those negative ions carry ample electrons to break 300~500 million covalent bonds
Those sufficient electrons can disrupt and break virus’ carbon-hydrogen bond and make them inactivated immediately
Airborne particles including
PM2.5, PM10, pollen,
formaldehyde, secondhand smoke, pet dander
Airvida generates negative ions
Airvida generates 2 million negative ions every 0.6 seconds around the user’s facial area
Negative ions will attach onto the particles within close proximity
Turning them into bigger & heavier chunks and thus falling to the ground